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Ah, vampire flicks. I simultaneously get the fascination and am baffled by it - in theory, any sort of mythological monster could have been re-worked into an expression of psychological/sexual issues, and have been as prevalent (imagine a world where we would have had Bram Stocker's Werewolf-cula. And eventually a twilight saga with the focus shifted to team Jacob)
Anyways, I'm pretty sure that we, as a culture, have exhausted the subject so much, that's all the really left are subversions (sparkly sparkly subversions) and cheap exploitations of the vamp as a sexual/lesbian creature (I think there have been at least 5 vampire stripper flicks a year coming out since the 90's).
Or a combination of both, like this film about Silent Bob's partner discovering that the straggler he picked up really weird and taking stupidly long to figure out she's a vamp.
Maybe because he's too busy macking on her (for very good reasons)
He does figure it out when his bitchy ex
Runs into his new sort-girlfriend
And is quickly transformed into a corpse
The confrontation between the two
Quickly turns into a sex scene. 0_0
It's a really creepy scene, that works quite well.
Anyways, at the bodies start piling up, they have to be disposed of...
Only to suddenly spring back to unlife, craving blood!
Vamp girl is forced to show of her ass... err, perform an impromptu staking.
Things settle down when she promises she'll only feed on blood packs... but look at that. That's a shifty eyed traitor shot.
So we're not too surprised when a hot
(if slightly underlit) threesome
which seems to end peacefully
Turns out to be a feeding ground.
Jay has had enough, and decides it's time to put a stake to work
But vamp girl isn't going down so easily.
It's an interesting movie concept with a fairly good script and the right amount of nudity, sunk only by...
The two main actors. Vamp girl has got a rocking body, but that's pretty much it, and Jay should stick to Kevin Smith movie. I didn't mind so much when I started watching, due to comparing the flick to generic vampsploitation stuff, but ones is started doing relatively smart things, the two really weighed it down. Still, vamp girl has got (in an Al Pacino impression) "A GREAT EVERYTHING" and there's plenty of vamping action, complete with a bloody threesome, so you may check it out for the decent script or for the fangy stuff.
Ah, vampire flicks. I simultaneously get the fascination and am baffled by it - in theory, any sort of mythological monster could have been re-worked into an expression of psychological/sexual issues, and have been as prevalent (imagine a world where we would have had Bram Stocker's Werewolf-cula. And eventually a twilight saga with the focus shifted to team Jacob)
Anyways, I'm pretty sure that we, as a culture, have exhausted the subject so much, that's all the really left are subversions (sparkly sparkly subversions) and cheap exploitations of the vamp as a sexual/lesbian creature (I think there have been at least 5 vampire stripper flicks a year coming out since the 90's).
Or a combination of both, like this film about Silent Bob's partner discovering that the straggler he picked up really weird and taking stupidly long to figure out she's a vamp.
Maybe because he's too busy macking on her (for very good reasons)
He does figure it out when his bitchy ex
Runs into his new sort-girlfriend
And is quickly transformed into a corpse
The confrontation between the two
Quickly turns into a sex scene. 0_0
It's a really creepy scene, that works quite well.
Anyways, at the bodies start piling up, they have to be disposed of...
Only to suddenly spring back to unlife, craving blood!
Vamp girl is forced to show of her ass... err, perform an impromptu staking.
Things settle down when she promises she'll only feed on blood packs... but look at that. That's a shifty eyed traitor shot.
So we're not too surprised when a hot
(if slightly underlit) threesome
which seems to end peacefully
Turns out to be a feeding ground.
Jay has had enough, and decides it's time to put a stake to work
But vamp girl isn't going down so easily.
It's an interesting movie concept with a fairly good script and the right amount of nudity, sunk only by...
The two main actors. Vamp girl has got a rocking body, but that's pretty much it, and Jay should stick to Kevin Smith movie. I didn't mind so much when I started watching, due to comparing the flick to generic vampsploitation stuff, but ones is started doing relatively smart things, the two really weighed it down. Still, vamp girl has got (in an Al Pacino impression) "A GREAT EVERYTHING" and there's plenty of vamping action, complete with a bloody threesome, so you may check it out for the decent script or for the fangy stuff.